Reggae, Rapp, Hip Hop
Munich hip-hop at its best
October 2016 ‐ The performance of the Munich rapper Ali As was really fun and, like so many other acts I was able to witness at the Ampere, will remain in fond memory for a long time. From his growing repertoire I especially like Sonnenmaschine and Was für’n Leben. I would like to emphasize that I did not know the musician at all before. Just as little as many others, whose music I could only discover thanks to Youtube & Co. which I found in the form of embedded videos on the program pages of the respective organizer websites. Let someone from the music industry claim that Youtube & Co. don’t bring the music industry any income. Without Youtube I would have visited only a fraction of the concerts and thus would hardly have bought a CD, neither on site nor online. I don’t like to buy a pig in a poke. The advertising industry with all its trackers can try whatever they want.