Accessibility on the Internet
Accessibility In Practice
Accessible Internet does not only affect people with disabilities. Rather, it is an approach to make information of any kind accessible to all people, but also to machines, on all conceivable end devices equally accessible, without any obstacles whatsoever. This means that access to the information provided must be possible on a wide variety of devices without the need to use specialized software, except of course access software, namely a web client (e.g. a web browser) which conforms to the standards specified by the W3C, or to make special settings. Therefore, if the pages on montazer.net or david.montazer.net should be accessible to you on a 30? monitor as well as on a smartphone or tablet with a standard browser, then some conditions defined in WCAG 2.0 may already be fulfilled.
The fact that as an individual with limited resources (time, financial means, etc.), I cannot implement every single aspect of WCAG 2.0 or the BITV 2.0-rules, should be clear to anyone who is aware of the effort involved. Two directives are mentioned here as examples, which I will partially or completely dispense with for these reasons. The first Directive concerns some requirements for the provision of information in easy language. The second example concerns the subitem “1.2.6 Sign Language” within the guideline “1.2 Time-based Media”. Nevertheless, I try to implement as many requirements as possible in order to minimize possible barriers from the regulatory framework. If, however, someone with whichever terminal device and a fairly modern browser should encounter difficulties in accessing the information offered on the domain montazer.net or any subdomain, I would be very grateful for any feedback.
Accessibility As A Quality Feature
Does the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance only affect authorities? My answer is: yes and no.
If you adhere to the guidelines issued by the WAI when creating and maintaining your Internet offers, you automatically increase the quality of your online offers in terms of both content and SEO, thereby increasing the reach of your offers by a significant percentage. By simply adhering to the WCAG and BITV rules, we are also better able to meet the needs of the ever-growing group of mobile surfers and thus prevent this increasingly important target group from becoming greasy, for example due to inadequate optimisations for this category of equipment.
So, at the latest when information is made available to the public, every provider should put the topic of accessibility on its priority list.